A woman on the left side is my mother-in-law and the woman at the right side is my mother.
The two men at my my back are my friends.
My my parents are at the right side. They wore white shirts.
I was in front of my wife home.
I was thin at that time because I had just come from A5 to depend our border
My wife wore a bouquet while I was standing in frond of her home.
I was waiting for my wife to invite me to enter her home.
After inviting me, my wife and I were going to sit in front of my both parents
My wife and I were hearing the advice from the wise man.
We both were excepting the blessing from our both parents.
My parents and my mother-in-law wished us to live in peace and happiness.
We were holding a sword (It means we both brought the gifts to newlyweds.
My parents and my mother-in-law and I were listening to the monks praying.
The wise man sprinkled the holy water to us.
My wife came of her room to invite me to enter her home.
We were been getting the wish from the participating people.
My wife left out her home to invite me to enter her home.
This was my previous home where my wife and I got married and lived there.
My wife were standing in front of the living room.
I took this picture when I was around 30 years old. I visited Angkor Wat Temple for the first time since I was young. I have been there for a week (7 days) and I brought a skill of printing the scripts on the T-shirt.
My wife and I took part the wedding of friend's daughter in Sihanouk province. We took this picture where is the garden of Sihanouk International Port in Sihanouk province. My daughter was young, and she joined the wedding with us, too.
My wife took part the wedding of her friend.
When I came back home from my work in BELTEI International Institute, I took my daughter to visit at the beach near the International Port in Sihanouk province.
When my mother-in-law came from U.S.A, she took a picture with me in the living room.
This picture took when my mother-in-law came from the U.S.A. and she took us (my family and my sister-in-law at the Golden Lion 2 at Sihanok Province close to the O-Chhoeu-Teal beach.
This picture is the old one that I took with my mother, my youngest brother, and my wife at the 7 Stages Hotel at the beach.
I took this picture with my wife at the beach near garden and the office of International Port of Sihanouk Province.
I took these pictures at the beach when I lived in Sihanoukville. At that time, I was a director of Asean English School in Sihanouk Ville.
This picture was taken at the International Port in when I was a director of Asean School in Sihanoukville.
This picture was taken when I trained internet at one of the Organizations in Sihanoukville.
This is my youngest son, Kim Rithy in the age of 4, was sitting in front of the living room.
I took this picture with my daughter when I came from Phnom Penh for National Holiday at the beach.
After taking picture with me, she asked me to take a picture alone near the flower in the garden of International Port in Sihanouk Province.
This picture took in my office of BELTEI Camspu 7 where I am working as a deputy Campus Director in charge of English as second language (ESL) and Bachelor of Art in English (B.A.)
She is my wife, Fu Ly Neng. She took picture at the fourth floor of Sorya Supper where locates near New Market (Phsar Thmey) the downtown of Phnom Penh capital.
Today is Sunday June 12, 2010 that I posted my elder son's photo. He is my first son, Kim Sonirouk a foundation year student, studying at National University of Management and BELTEI International Institute in Phnom Penh. He was born on January 2, 1991 at 6:20am in the early morning at Chamkar Chek Hospital in Kompong Som City now called Sihanouk Province. He is the Year of Horse. For Khmer date is ថ្ងៃ២រោច ខែ បុស្ស ឆ្នាំមមី ព.ស ២៥៣៤. His umbilical cord was dropped on January 8, 1991 on the Special of Buddhist Day (Thngay Sel), and he could walk on February 20, 1992.
(This picture took at Battambang in the Sampov Meas Mountain.)

The thing that made me very surprise in my dream, a white elephant that was fighting with me at the moment was became three gods coming from the heaven. They brought a golden stray with scripture, and they told me to learn the a few sentences of magic from the scripture. I tried to drill until I remembered in my heart because they told me that these Bali sentences can help me to escape from misfortune, and I can protect my son.
(This picture took at Phnom Penh when I took my family to trip.)
. On the day of giving his birth, I dreamed to see a tornado destroyed people shelters. Suddenly, I saw a small child around 3 years old without clothes was standing under a kind of fruit-tree called (Doeum Khveth). I found that if I let him to continue to say under it, he will be died by the dropping tree-fruit because the wind was blowing strongly so that I made up my mind to carry him in my arms and run to take shelter from a strong wind at the corner of a wall which was destroyed 80% from the tornado.
About 5 minutes later, I saw a white big elephant having two long blue tusks come to kill me while I was carrying a small child. I put him at the safe place on the ground, and I use my strong arms to hold the two blue tusks of that elephant. Suddenly, it flew to the sky and up side down in order to drop me from his tusks, but I try until he got tired. Then I put my pocketknife out and stabbed it into his head. At the end, he admitted to defeat me and flew down slowly.
They also said only me who can take care my son because the power of a white elephant with two blue tusks couldn't kill me. After giving that sentences to me, the three gods told me that my son is a friend of Preah Ang Phan, Preah Ang Phen who are staying at the Cambodia-Thailand borders. They are the friends of Preah Ang Chek and Preah Ang Chorm in Siem Reap. When I woke up, I got a news from my younger brother-in-law told me that my wife gave a birth at Chamka Chek Hospital because I was my turn to permanent at Police Headquarter in Kompong Som City.
Today is Monday June 14, 2010 that I posted my second son's photo, Kim Monirith. He studies a grade 10 at Preah Sihanouk High School in Sihanouk province. He is my second son, Kim Monirith, was born on Sunday 19 September 1993 at 11:20am at Peth Chhi clinic in Kompong Som city. He is the Year of Cock. He got serious illness (diarrhea) on April 2, 1994 for 7 days, and he stayed in Chamkar Chek Hospital. My wife and I were staying in in that hospital to take care my son. He got serious illness because of my sister-in-law boiled uncleaned water and let my son drank when he was one year old. When his mother gave his birth, I dreamed to see someone give me a lot of gold. My wife and I could earn money that year. We both could save money and lived in a happy lives with our children. My second son was very lovely before he got serious illness. My wife and I was very pity my lovely son that he got illness like this because of the careless of my sister-in-law.
Since he has grown up, he usually keep in silence. He doesn't want to talk much particularly he always stays in his room while he is staying at home. He like listen to music alone. However, he has friends and most of them love him so much because they find that he is a good friend who like to help the others.
Since he has grown up, he usually keep in silence. He doesn't want to talk much particularly he always stays in his room while he is staying at home. He like listen to music alone. However, he has friends and most of them love him so much because they find that he is a good friend who like to help the others.
Today is Tuesday June 15, 2010 that I posted my third daughter's photo, Kim Sovanny. She studies grade 9 at Preah Sihanouk Secondary School in Sihanouk province. This is my third daughter, Kim Sovanny, was born on October 10, 1995 at 10:20am, and she also has 10 mounts of her 10 fingers . She is the Year of Swine. She looks like my younger sister who is living in Sihanouk province. In the middle night of giving my daughter birth, my wife dreamed to see a god (Preah Neang Kong Si-Im) gave a big lotus to my wife, and it appeared in the middle of the big sea. Suddenly, the lotus open and there was a little baby girl in it. She has a lovely white skin and very beautiful baby. My wife carried her on her arm and was very happy to have a lovely baby girl.
My wife I and supposed to have a female baby because we both have already had two boys so that we need a daughter. Luckily, god gave us a lovely beautiful daughter as our wish. In the early morning, my wife felt stomach-ache many times. I got the information from my mother that my wife gave a birth to my daughter, Kim Sovanny, at 8:00am at Pet Chhy clinic. I was very happy when I got that news from my mother. I recently ride my motorbike to that clinic to see my daughter.
Entering the clinic, I saw a lovely white baby laying on the bed where was outside the room and my sister-in-law. I asked her whose baby is belong to? My sister-in-law laughed at me and said, "Don't you know who is your daughter? She is your lovely daughter you see," I was surprised and I was standing for a few minutes to watch my daughter carefully. Soddenly, My wife was carried out of the giving birth room. She have me with full smile and hopeful life. It meant she would like to tell me that we both have had a lovely baby as we wished before.
This is my youngest son, Kim Rithy, was born in 2000. He is the year of Dragon. When he was one year, I took him to the beach where is near the City Hall in Sihanoukville. He had good health, and he wasn't afraid of sea waving , but he was happy with it too much. He is different from my elder son, Kim Sonirouk. When Sonirouk got one year, I also took him the the beach near the Independent Hotel. He was afraid the sea wave.
Cellphone: 855-15926688, 855-13926688
Email: kimvireak@gmail.com
Email: kimvireak@gmail.com