Monday, May 16, 2011

Not Having Religious Discrimination In Cambodia

In the morning on May 16, 2011 at 8:45am, I went to the coffee shop to drink coffee with my friends. Some of them believe different religions. I am one of them who is a Buddhist. Mr. Dara is a Christian, Mr.Sopheak is Muslim, and Mr. Seng is a Kong Si Im religion. Although we have different religions, but we are friends. We are happy to discuss about the situation which are taking place in the world particularly the war that are happening between Cambodia-Thai borders.

In our country has many religions, and Cambodian people have the right to respect to the religion that they have made up their mind to follow its. Otherwise, we have never had these issues. I find that the people who worship different religions in Cambodia have never got into argument because of the Cambodia leader gives the right to the people believe their own religions even though Buddhist religion is belong to the government

Many countries face problems with the religions. Thailand is the one of them that face many conflicts especially the people living in the south of Thailand. I have always seen the killing on the TV news about Muslim and Buddhist were killed. The issues which are being happened in Thailand because of the Thai leader doesn't care the other religious people (not Buddhist) that why the conflicts are always taking place in that country.

I am so proud to be Cambodian people in this era. Now we unite. We have the same ideas to think about our country particularly the conflict which has happened at the Cambodia-Thai borders. I do hope all Cambodian people still keep this event in order to develop (not standstill) the country in the near future.

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