Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Weekend Day

This photo was taken at the Lucky Burger Ratanak Plazza
Today is Sunday. Normally I am attending the football training at Chbar Ampov High School with the other campus directors of BELTEI International Institute especially with H.E. Ly Chheng, my Director-General and H.E. Sean Borath, a secretary of state and also a deputy of Anti Corruption Unit called (A.C.U.) in Cambodia. The purpose of the football training is to release stress, escape from blood pressure, and over dose sugar illness. This weekend was missed to train it because of the last couple raining, so the footbal terrace is still mud. My Director-General allowed us not to train this Sunday.

The people who were having meals in front of me.
That is the reason why I am able to spend my time to sit in the Ratanak Plazza Supper Market particularly I sat at the Lucky Burger Plazza to have a can of Coca Cola light. It costs $1. I used wifi in there to surf the net and wrote my daily activities on my website. Because of knowing that tomorrow is my day off, I got up at 9:23am then I did my housework such as cleaning my room, washing my clothes, and doing something before going out.

When I finished them, I have been to Punloeu Chan Restaurant to have breakfast. I order Ragoo with bread (Khor Koo num pang) in Khmer language and a cup of coffee. I met the guardians of my student who is learning grade 9 in my school (Beltei 8).

I drank a can of Coca Cola while I was surfing the net.
We were chatting about a group of gangsters who have gone to Phnom Penh High School to fight the students there. They told me that two of them were arrested by the local police. The police confiscated Samaray swords (kind of Japanese swords) from them and have kept them in the police post.

 I got a call from my Director-General at 11:13am while I was reading a news describing about earthquake 6.0 magnitute in Italy at the north of the city of Bologna. There were 4 people were killed and 50 people injured according to the BBC News. He told that he would like to allow DE You Little to accompany with him to the World Camp IYF on May 25, 2012. Mr. Ros Paradise also accompany with him, too.

At 11:38am, H.E. Director-General called me again. He said he allowed my son or daughter to attend that event without doing the test, but I have to pay for the passport and the flight ticket. I replied him with my thank that I don't have enough money for my son or daughter. They can wait for the second time.

It is a iOne store. There are Ipad, Ipod and Apple products. 
At 11:24am, I sent a short message to Miss. You Little, my deputy campus director, to graduate her because she has been selected to attend the World Camp in South Korea by my beloved Director-General.  Mr. Ros Paradise also attend this event, too. She replied my SMS at 12:01pm. "Thanks. M happy but also worry because I have to pay 50% for air ticket and need to have some money in hand as well. Deng mech te nhom.", she said.

After having breakfast, I came back home to watch TV until 1:26pm. Then, I drove my car to have lunch at a small restaurant where is opposite my school. I ordered mix vegetable soup (Samlor Karko in Khmer language), a grilled river fish and a can of Angkor Beer. Then, I went to Rotanak Plazza to surf the net and wrote my activities that I have done. In Ratanak Plazza, there were a lot of people to be there. Some of them also came to have snack and surf the net, too. They were lazy to stay at home because of the hot weather, and they could save the electricity for AC in their home, They said. I was there until 5:35pm at the Lucky Burger to write the my activities on my website.

At 5:45pm I drove my car to park in my campus, and I had dinner at a small restaurant where is opposite my school. Then I asked my one of security guards to take me home. It was 6:25pm. I took a bath and turn on TV to watch news and Chinese Series Movie.

My Holiday ended !!!

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